THe Jungle Patriots :)
Make some noise -drumrolls-
whatever. just kidding. ain't gonna be that famous,
for now, at least :)
These photos are taken just three days ago, on Thursday .
We're having a celebration, well, a birthday party.
A sweet seventeenth one.
As you guys all know, here in Indonesia a girl's gate to
transforming into an adult is right when we're 17.
Well, forgive me for giving more lecture. haha xDD
The place where it's held somehow looks like a place for a nature-lover.
More and more green. It even has a cruise ship in the lake.
Well yeah, it has lake, i don't know if there's a crocodile in it :DD
So to kill boredom while waiting for the other friends to attend the party,
Me and gesi (the girl who's having her birthday-the girl with red dress-)
and with some others try to look around and find some beautiful, worth
place to take photos in. So there you go, enjoy.
Sorry if i talk much. I just feel like doing this :D
xoxo, Cella-noree.