
Review: Janssen Cosmetics for Sensitive Skin

"Fel, kamu kan pernah tinggal di Jerman, disana kan bule-bule kulitnya bagus-bagus ya, skin care yang bagus disana apa sih?"

"Kamu mau tau juga? Yuk kita bahas yang satu ini." 


Mandi Cantik ala Feli Bareng Shinzu'i Ume

“Feli mandinya lama banget sih, gentian dong!”


Review: Marina Smooth & Glow Two Way Cake and BB Cream

Warm greetings!
Holiday is sadly over and i do not know when is another holiday coming up at least for a few weeks from now. So, a couple days ago, Marina Team sent me a hearty package for me to try on, containing these two sweeties, the Marina Smooth & Glow Two Way Cake and BB Cream. Well, this is some good thing to forget my grief about the long gone holiday!


Street Vibes

Updating happily from the streets full of food of Bandarlampung City, clearly enjoying the good days of hanging around my dearly family, while sharing thoughts and future plans, or simply chit-chatting over random love stories, and finally fighting over what to eat for dinner. I am aware that a lack of update has been going on for quite a while here on my blog, all due to the busy bees fussing over this new job of mine, life after uni, and so on. So here's a treat for you, some shoots of my monochrome mood in this beloved humid, one second windy, one second hot as hell weather. Hope to see you soon!


Hello lovelies, thanks for visiting me!
Love for you all, Cells.