Kenalan yuk, sama Micellar Eye Makeup Remover khusus untuk mata dari
Si Kecil Cabe Rawit dengan Sejuta Manfaat | Bio Oil 25ml [REVIEW]
Libur telah tiba, libur telah tiba, libur telah tiba, hati pun gembira!
Uda saatnya nih ngecek-ngecek produk travel size, soalnya susah bawa, belum lagi kalau kena X-Ray di bandara dan harus dibuang :(
Nah, waktu aku cari-cari produk travel-friendly dengan sejuta manfaat untuk traveling di, banyak banget yang recommend aku produk oil dari Bio Oil. I wonder why?
Veet Sensitive Touch Electric Trimmer | [REVIEW & EVENT REPORT]
I like my hair where i want them!
Aku sih mau nya rambutku lebat di area-area yang aku mau ya, bukan sembarangan area..
Nah, kemarin dateng ke acara Beauty Talkshow dan Demo dari
Yuk baca keseruannya, sama review produk baru Veet;
Veet Sensitive Touch Electric Trimmer
Cara Gampang Jadi Beautypreneurs | Indocare Citra Pasific Manufacturing
Tau gak sih kalau industri kecantikan di Indonesia bertumbuh sekitar 9.67% per tahunnya?
Setelah sekian lama berkecimpung di dunia kecantikan, sudah beberapa kali terlintas di pikiran aku untuk memiliki sebuah brand skin care sendiri. Sepertinya orang-orang terdekat aku juga udah pada tau, kalau..
Aku ini pengen banget buka klinik!
Tentang aku yang pengen jadi beautypreneur, ada yang sama?
Tips Membersihkan Makeup Tanpa Cuci Muka | Garnier Micellar Water [REVIEW]
gak sih lelah gitu habis beraktivitas seharian dengan make up, terus udah
pulang, lagi santai-santai di kamar, terus baru sadar kalau masih make-up an
dan harus bersihin muka dulu?
beauty. water,
Ini Saatnya Tawar Bikin Hidup Lebih Balanced | Ichitan Teh Tawar [REVIEW]
Kalau pergi ke cafe atau rumah makan.. seringnya pesen teh tawar. Ada yang sama?
Teh tawar entah kenapa emang pas banget untuk nemenin makan malam, makan siang atau pun sarapan. Rasa tawarnya bisa me-netralisir kombinasi makanan dan minuman, jadi gak akan terlalu eneg, misalnya pas makan santan, saus kacang, atau gorengan. Kayak lebih seimbang gimana gitu daripada makan full taste, terus pakai teh manis. It is like a simple detox for me.
Top 3 Barang Penting Yang Sering Lupa Dibawa Pas Traveling | WRP Fruit Bar and Low Fat Milk [REVIEW]
Pernah gak sih kamu lagi jalan-jalan, terus baru nyadar kalau beberapa barang penting ternyata lupa dibawa? Aku sih sering banget, terus pastinya jadi geregetan sendiri kenapa lupa bawa. Nah, dalam post aku yang kali ini, aku mau bantuin kita semua nge-rangkum beberapa hal penting yang paling sering lupa dibawa biar nanti gak terjadi lagi deh ya, yang seperti ini.
Kalau kamu penasaran dan merasa post ini mungkin bisa bermanfaat, keep on reading!
Garnier Pure Active Matcha Facial Foam & Clay Mask | [REVIEW]
Siapa bilang Matcha cuman bisa diseduh jadi teh, dibikin jadi es krim, atau dessert-dessert lainnya? Ternyata, bukan cuma untuk dimakan, ternyata matcha (green tea) sangat berguna untuk merawat kulit loh girls. Ini juga kenapa Garnier mengeluarkan varian terbaru mereka yaitu Garnier Pure Active Matcha. Penasaran kayak gimana produknya?
Bioderma Haul & Watsons PIM Opening | [EVENT - REVIEW]
Who does not want healthy and glowing skin? Sometimes the problem is in the way you treat your skin, are you doing all the healthy skin essentials steps? So many people fail to realize that if you do not start with skin care, you are not nurturing your own face skin.
Jadi, let me educate you a little bit about how to achieve fresh make up look with only few items with Bioderma, Watsons and Glitz Media ya!
Creme Simon Dermo Hydrating Toner Mist | [REVIEW]
You want to have toner, hydrating mist, makeup setting spray, and blemish treatment but they are just too damn expensive to have all at once? I have the answer to your prayers!
Meet Creme Simon Dermo Hydrating Toner Mist - a 4-in-1 solution for your skin, and wallet!
Everwhite Smooth Axillary Cream | [REVIEW]
Kalau ngomongin soal produk pemutih itu gampang-gampang susah sebenernya. Aku sendiri merasa kulit aku ini sudah (cukup) putih, meskipun belum putih-putih banget, dan sejujurnya aku sendiri belum merasakan adanya kebutuhan untuk menggunakan produk pemutih sih, soalnya aku sendiri juga lumayan suka kulit yang agak tan gimana gitu, tapi apa daya kulit sendiri gak bisa kayak gitu :(
Nah, waktu aku dapet produk-nya Everwhite, aku kira hanya untuk memutihkan kulit aja, tapi ternyata, ada produk untuk memutihkan bagian-bagian lipatan-lipatan kulit yang gelap juga, which is very useful, soalnya seberapa putih pun kamu, kalau bagian lipatan terlalu gelap juga gak enak dipandang kan ya, hehe.
Yuk, baca short review aku tentang si Everwhite Smooth Axillary Cream ini ya!
Nivea Creme Care & Creme Soft Bar Soap
Everyone is lately asking me; what kind of soap do you use to maintain your skin condition?
And i realize that i am not exactly a big fan of soap, as in, i never really take much consideration in whatever soap i am using. I thought it is all the same, but.. here i am, starting to do review of soaps, to see each uniqueness, so here we go!
Laneige BB Cushion Whitening SPF 50+ PA+++, Best BB CUshion Worldwide? [REVIEW]
Pengen kulit wajah yang flawless, putih cerah ala Korea, lembap-lembap dewy gimana gitu?
Gak susah kok, cuma perlu cari produk terbaik yang cocok sama kondisi kulit kamu.
Pasti udah pernah denger tentang Laneige. Malah udah banyak yang pakai produknya kali ya? Kali ini aku mau bahas tentang salah satu produk unggulan Laneige yang baru-baru ini launching di Indonesia, The New Laneige BB Cushion Whitening SPF 50+ PA+++
Hadiah Gratis Modal Klik Doang - Lifull Banjir Gratisan!
Hari gini nyari yang gratis? Pipis aja bayar :(
Untungnya ada Lifull nih.. yang mau ngasih kita hadiah gratis snack sampai beauty products,
tinggal klik-klik doang, dikirim sampe rumah deh.
Gak percaya? Gini nih ceritanya!
CHARIS x W.Lab White Holic Cream [REVIEW]
Everybody wants white and bright complexion, but it is not an easy job.
What if i tell you that i can help you achieve great white skin in just a few steps, in a clearly visible way? Yes i hear youuuuu.
Okay keep on reading!
Top 6 Thai Traditional Snack - Munchies
So because i enjooooooyed my last trip to Bangkok so much, i decided to write you a little guide on what snack (traditional) or munchies you should seriously try if you visit there.
I guarantee you 100% satisfaction!
I am giving you no more a do, let's move on to the list!
Cerah Bercahaya, gak pake lama? | L'Oreal Paris White Perfect Clinical Series [REVIEW]
Hari ini mau bahas tentang L'oreal White Perfect Clinical Series, tapi bukan semuanya ya, abis rangkaiannya banyak sih, aku mau bahas tiga aja ya, yaitu si White Perfect Clinical Derm White Essence, White Perfect Clinical Day Cream, dan White Perfect Clinical Night Cream.
Kalau ditanya kenapa mau cobain rangkaian ini, aku mau confess sedikit tentang kondisi kulit aku sebenarnya; kulit aku itu ada flek nya, dan ini cukup genetik. Jadi kalau aku lagi gak pakai makeup sama sekali, alias no foundation at all, you probably would be able to see the freckles.
Yang kedua, warna kulitku ini tidak merata. Jadi lebih merah-merah di bagian-bagian tertentu. Ini juga yang kadang bikin aku kurang pede untuk kasih liat orang kulit aku yang sebenarnya. Discoloration-nya lebih ke merah merah gitu.
Nah, makanya, waktu ditawarin untuk nge-review rangkaian produk L'oreal White Perfect Clinical Series ini, aku seneng banget soalnya claim-nya series ini bisa banget solve these problems.
Bener ngefek ga ya? Baca terus makanya.....
Earthly Passionate – ULTIMA II Wonder Wear Eye Make Up Series [Tutorial & Review]
wonderful bloom with warm and fresh colors to begin this new season with.
A few days ago I took some snap on insta-story showing a package sent by ULTIMA II,
and I bet you all cannot wait to see what’s inside?
Keep reading to see the whole package, and a makeup look created with the goodies!
Keep reading to see the whole package, and a makeup look created with the goodies!
BYS Cosmetics - Ivory Pure Silk Foundation - On The Go Smokey Eye Palette - Velvet Liquid Lipstick [REVIEW]
Right around libur lebaran (Eid al Fitr Holiday), i attented an event hosted by Clozette Indonesia and BYS Cosmetics in Plaza Senayan, and brought home some of their most favorite products, then decided to make a makeup look with these babies, and why not a review too, so if you are curious, keep scrolling!
Nivea Makeup By You Ramadhan Race | Nivea Double Effect Eye Makeup Remover [REVIEW]
Jangan pernah lupa bersihin makeup. Bersihinnya yang bersih ya.. Well, unless kamu mau tuh bangun tidur dengan jerawat, wajah kusam, atau other bad skin condition lainnya?
Kalau gak mau, rajin bersihin makeup yuk! Nah, ngomong-ngomong soal pembersih makeup, baru-baru ini aku ikut Ramadhan Makeup Race yang diselenggarakan sama Nivea Indonesia dan Female Daily di Watsons PIM 2 dan Amypond Cafe.
Mau tau keseruan, sekaligus review Nivea Double Effect Eye Makeup Remover? Baca terus ya!
Le Marc Lip Creme By Marc Jacobs Beauty | [REVIEW]
Are you into bright pink? Well i personally do not... always.
So should we try this one? This is like.. real pink. Like seriously pink.
Let's do it though!
Pond's Acne Solution Anti Acne Facial Foam | [REVIEW]
Pernah ga sih, lagi PMS, terus muncul jerawat gede tiba-tiba di suatu tempat sekitar wajah?
Mau tahu gimana cara ngilangin jerawat instan gak pakai ribet?
Baca terus ya sis!
Top 10 Drama Movies to Watch This Weekend | 2017
So this might not be my usual kind of post, but i have recently been struggling to find good movies to watch. I mean, there's a really wide selection of movies nowadays, and what's good for others might not be good for me, indeed, but i am a person who loves to watch drama movies, the emotional ones, the ones that leave me thinking.

So i do not know if that is also your cup of tea, but some just happy ending movies just leave me wanting more. Thus, i think if there might be more people like me out there, who wants to find good movies (for our taste), i thought i can do a little help for you to use.
So, here it is, Top 10 Emotional Drama Movies to Watch This Weekend! (or anytime)
Read more to find out!
Chocolate Ville, Bangkok, Thailand | My Favorite Place in Bangkok
And my trip to Bangkok isn't quite finished yet. This very time, i will talk about my favorite place in Bangkok, for leisure and relaxing time. Not for the so called cheap stuff hunting, but a dining place.
Find out why?
chocolate ville,
Marc Jacobs Beauty - Style Eyecon no. 03 - Innocent 116 | REVIEW
How about a little splurging time here?
Let me tell you my experience with this baby Marc Jacobs Beauty Style Eyecon no. 03; Innocent 116. Definitely something worth reading before getting it!
One Day in Pattaya, Thailand - Food and Travel Guide
Alright let me take you to Pattaya?
ALERT ; If you are looking for beaches and beaches themselves, this is not the right post for you. I would not want to misguide you, because Pattaya is definitely not the best city to sway around beaches, but it has more and more than just that, and this is my one day travel guide to Pattaya, created by yours truly!
[GIVEAWAY ALERT] - Mizzu Cosmetics Products | REVIEW
Here comes the famous stripe-packages!
Iya hari ini aku mau review produk-produk Mizzu Cosmetics yang aku dapet dari acara Mizzu Lab beberapa waktu lalu. Daaaan, aku juga mau bagiin hadiah ini supaya ga cuma aku aja yang bisa coba. Kalau kamu penasaran, bukan cuma sama reviewnya tapi juga mau dapetin hadiahnya, baca terus sampai habis ya!
Becca Highlighter - Shimmering Skin Perfector - Champagne Pop | REVIEW
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Mumpung lagi trend highlighter banget-nget-nget, aku mau share ke kalian highlighter favorit aku currently, apa lagi kalau bukan Becca Highlighter; Champagne Pop!
Baca terus ya kalau mau cek review-nya, termasuk harganya, dimana belinya, basically anything you need to know about this product!
Bikin Lipstick Sendiri? | Mizzu Cosmetics Lab | EVENT REPORT
Iya, gak salah baca, aku bikin liquid lipstick sendiri. Thank you to Clozette dan Mizzu Cosmetics, i had a very valuable experience, dimana biasanya solely jadi konsumen make doang, sekarang bisa buat langsung dan nge-mix warna sendiri untuk bikin shade yang aku mau.
Ngapain aja aku siang itu? Read more to find out!
Wajah Tirus dan Glowing Cuma 5 Menit? Bisa! | PAC Martha Tilaar Launching Party | EVENT REPORT
Contouring VS Strobing
memang belakangan jadi salah satu trend di dunia per-makeup-an, ya gak sih?
Apa sih bedanya? Gunanya apa? Bikin kurus ga?
Tenang-tenang, bakal aku bantu jawab semuanya sebisa aku ya. Kalau masih penasaran, yuk langsung aja di klik read more-nya, biar jelas :)
martha tilaar,
pac mt,
Percaya Diri dan Jadi Yang Kamu Mau! | Lactacyd Herbal | REVIEW & STORY
Banyak banget perempuan di dunia ini yang underestimate kemampuan diri mereka sendiri, dan menganggap mereka superior daripada laki-laki, padahal seringkali, kita menjalankan multiple-roles yang tidak mudah untuk dijalani, mungkin termasuk kamu, yang lagi baca post ini?
I am here to tell you that you definitely shouldn't. Kita, sebagai perempuan, sebenarnya bisa saja menjadi apapun yang kita mau, selama kita cukup percaya dengan kemampuan diri kita sendiri, dan memiliki cukup keinginan untuk berjuang menggapai mimpi kita.
Semuanya itu bisa dimulai dari percaya diri.
Nah, gimana caranya ya bisa jadi lebih percaya diri?
Hadapi Rambut Rontok dengan Bahan Alami | Natur Hair Care Series | REVIEW
Siapa disini yang tidak bermasalah dengan rambut rontok. I bravely say maybe only one out of ten yang benar-benar tidak memiliki masalah rambut rontok ya, soalnya as far as i know, rambut rontok alias hair fall ini adalah masalah sejuta umat.
Nah, ini juga kenapa aku seneng banget mau berbagi tentang review hari ini, semoga bisa membantu kalian-kalian yang membaca (hopefully), atau sekedar ngasih info, siapa tahu masalah rambut rontok kalian bisa terbantu, apalagi kalau bisa tuntas teratasi. Yuk, langsung aja kita bahas tentang Natur Hair Care Series nya!
Toyota All New Sienta Pop Up Playground - Cinque Terre - Lippo Mall Kemang | EVENT REPORT
And everything that happens in our daily life is pretty much connected to the kind of car we use.
I have had the luck to be able to get involved in one of the most recent Toyota All New Sienta Pop Up Playground - Cinque Terre in Lippo Mall Kemang. I believe you guys remember the time i visited their other thematic dog jog playground and the fun we had two months ago? This one is not going to be any less than that. So let's cut to entering the fun!
The Body Shop Almond Milk and Honey Range | REVIEW
I have to admit that i have been so engaged in treating face skin, but (sort of) forgotten to treat my body skin, which is pretty much equal as important, i would not favor one to another anymore.
So as The Body Shop launches the 'Almond Milk and Honey' range, i was pretty much awakened of how less i treat my body skin. So, yes, i am looking forward to review this range. Are you?
Benefit Porefessional Face Primer | REVIEW
When you look into the mirror, and you see your big pores. Oh-well.
So why don't i take you to a review tour of something worth-reading to minimize your pores?
Scroll down.
Innisfree Green Tea Seed Serum & Masks | REVIEW
The famous Korean Brand, Innisfree is finally here invading our beloved Indonesian beauty products market and i can not be more thrilled to be experiencing them before-hand! But since i am a good person at heart, i would be delightful to give you all some kind of a mini review, a tour to some of their best-selling products, before you can get your hands on them soonest.
The Body Shop Down to Earth Glow Palette | REVIEW and SWATCHES
Kalo The Body Shop biasanya aku jagokan untuk produk-produk skin-care dan body butter-nya, kali ini aku mau bahas soal makeup products dari brand yang sudah cukup terkenal ini, secara bisa ditemukan hampir di semua mall di Indonesia ya..
Yuk langsung aja kita bahas tentang The Body Shop Down to Earth Glow Eye Palette ya!
eye palette,
the body shop
Lancome Blanc Expert Compact Cushion | REVIEW
Perhaps it is a little bit late to review this Blanc Expert Lancome Compact Cushion here, because they have come up with the high-coverage one due to the overwhelming demand and request on having higher coverage than this one?
Maybe. But not to me, since i am a foundation-girl when it comes to certain events, so the cushion that i need more is for daily use, so this one is at the moment felt sufficient for me. Let's do a thorough review of this one then!
Nuxe Prodigieux le Parfum | REVIEW
I'm excited for my very first perfume review! I originally thought perfume cannot be reviewed.. I mean, how would you review a perfume, something that's rated by the smell, something intangible, cannot be seen?
But yes, i can do it now. Let me show you one of my most favorite perfume at the moment, Nuxe Prodigieux le Parfum. Scroll down to see why!
Benefit Defined and Refined Brows Kit | REVIEW
Benefit memang sudah gak diragukan lagi brow-products-nya. Sejak tahun berdirinya brand ini di tahun 1976, Benefit memang tidak pernah berhenti menghasilkan produk-produk untuk brows yang berkualitas, at least menurut aku ya.
Pas banget aku dapet produknya yang Benefit Defined & Refined Brows Kit, kalau kalian penasaran apa aja isinya dan gimana kualitasnya, yuk aku bantu review ya buat kalian :)
The Body Shop Honey Mania Shower Gel | REVIEW
"Tiap hari ngurusin mukaaaaaaa terus, ngerawat badannya kapan?"
Karena udah keseringan ngobrolin makeup dan skin care yang biasanya ngebahas muka terus, kayaknya udah waktunya aku nge-review sesuatu yang pampering body and skin, ga melulu wajah aja. Ini dia nih produk yang mau aku review hari ini, The Body Shop Honey Mania Shower Gel.
[REVIEW] Garnier Micellar Water : Micellar Water Hits
Kalau ngomongin bersihin wajah, pasti pada males. Yah, makeup-an emang jauh lebih fun daripada bersihinnya sih.. Tapi, gimana kalau ada shortcut? Pakai Garnier Micellar Water yang lagi hits ini aja. Bingung mau coba atau engga? Baca reviewnya dulu aja baru tentuin!
makeup remover,
micellar water
Dog Jog with Toyota Sienta #PopUpPlayground
Kalau kamu juga follow aku di instagram (@feliciamarcellina), harusnya udah follow lah ya, pasti pada tahu kalau hari Minggu, 22 Januari 2017 kemarin, aku sempet main-main ke acaranya Toyota Sienta #PopUpPlayGround di Living World, Alam Sutera, bareng Beautynesia.
Tema kali ini adalah: Dog Jog! Penasaran ada apa aja? Baca terus ya!
3 Best Beach Clubs in Bali : #FMTravelBible
What's a better way of spending a sunny day, than to chill on a sun bed in catchy bikinis, cocktail in one hand, occasionally dipping one feet into the pool, while listening to the resident DJs' mix?
Going to beach clubs can be pricey, especially if you are just back-packing. So there you go i got you covered! I listed four beach clubs and bars with no entrance fees, so you can save some for other things to do in Bali, and there, you're welcome. Enjoy!
[REVIEW] - Maybelline Fit Me Foundation, V-Face Duo Contour Stick, Rosy Matte and Vivid Matte Lipstick
Liburan sudah habis. Sedih sih, since christmas and new year holiday is the longest holiday of the year, dimana aku bisa pulang kampung dan berkumpul sama keluarga. Tapi, pas balik ke rumah, ada yang sedikit cheer me up over the fact that holiday is over, yaitu pas aku ngelihat kiriman paket dari Lazada Indonesia dan Maybelline berupa Maybelline Make Pop Of Color Happen Box!
Mau lihat apa aja isinya? Scroll dong!
fit me,
rosy matte,
vivid matte
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Love for you all, Cells.