
A Good Support is Everything | Belajar Sadari Dini Kanker Payudara Bareng Sorella dan Love Pink


Pernah gak sih kamu sadarin kalau setiap kali kita ada masalah, things to deal with. Apa sih yang akan bisa ultimately membantu kamu dalam mengatasi masalah tersebut? 

I can definitely recall the times of when i had problems, i tried to find solutions, advice, opinion, everything. Along the process, i ultimately realized that the one who will be the lead player is me, and what i truly need the most is a good support. Why? Because good and endless support leads us to find the best part of ourselves, thus will help us to encounter and tame the problems we are facing. 

A good support brings out the best of us. And that's everything to me.

Inilah kenapa aku memberi judul blogpost kali ini "A GOOD SUPPORT IS EVERYTHING." Karena aku akan sharing tentang acara Sorella dan Love Pink di Segarra Ancol beberapa waktu lalu yang membahas mengenai kanker payudara. I know it sounds like a heavy subject, but trust me, i will try to keep it simple and easy for you to read, so bear with me, okay!


Hello lovelies, thanks for visiting me!
Love for you all, Cells.