
shockingly awaken

This one looks awesomely beautiful. i'd like to have this piece, if i can get some more money. :))

And this one's so cool. Pretty classy, but so simple and easy. it's like, all me. lmao. :))

Oh my God. Look at how this girl dresses. well it's Marc jacob's. i heart this. why ? maybe because i have a piece which looks a lot like this, and i'm going to wear it, like , tomorrow? Lols. Thumbs up, Marc Jacobs. you rock. ANd we'll see some pieces of his work again.

and so, till tomorrow, let's see what i have in mind tomorrow. and it's cold here. so i'd better turn on the heater. leave comments. let me know what do you think. thanks. :))

xoxo, Cella-noree


Yes, these are the so-called-oldie-pieces. then so what, they still look cute. Things work out. these pieces are so good, comfortable to be worn, and pleased. They got some colors, so pick your color. Even to wear it to bed.

xoxo, Cella-noree.


Oh yes, this is when we carry out our natural duty as students. The four of us showed respect to the national flag. The hell, actually. Well what can you see here is school is actually a blast when you have your girls around you. or boys too. i almost forget that my visitors may not be girls only. sorry, my bad :)). Anyway, look at the shoes. try wear them, comfortable, and still at the first choice.

xoxo, Cella-noree.

Fast Fun Facts,

Hello world, this girl you're seeing is just an ordinary girl. No, i'm kidding. none of us is ordinary. as i am, i am definitely not ordinary. I am so extraordinary. I might have some stuff you will want to see, or NOT. So let's see if we can make it cool.

So hi everyone who's visiting this stuff. My name is Felicia Marcellina S. Don't ask what S stands for because i'll have to consider to tell you. fellas always call me Cella, Cello, or whatever you'd prefer. As i said, i am not an ordinary girl. i don't easily get tired, as how they say i might be a 'freako' but in a good way, copy that. and so i don't really know when did i start to like fashion, well, i actually like doing things. just to kill the boredom, and hell yeah, this one is a good thing. And so what i am about to bring here is just several patterns i've drawn in my life. it's just a part of Cella you might wanna enjoy, or not. and FYI, i always hosted a garage sale every six months, and i'll upload some of the items here , just in case if i can even reach your place and send it to you, then it'll be 'pleasure doing business with you'. until then, enjoy, and please visit regularly, you'll never know what i have in mind. as the ending, 'Make yourself at Home.'

xoxo, Cella-noree.


Hello lovelies, thanks for visiting me!
Love for you all, Cells.